
Mark Vance Halburn’s case in Nicholas Co. was dismissed with prejudice today, December 4, 2018, when the fat son of a bitch failed to appear for a hearing.

This was nothing more than Halburn once again trying to use the legal system to harass his enemies.

Everyone involved had to hire an attorney. Think of all the money that has been wasted in this.  And that’s what he wants. He wants everyone involved to spend money because they have it and he never will.

The losing loser loses again.


Still Mentally Unhinged

Halburn’s Vendetta Against Nazarene Church Continues

On October 1, Mark Vance Halburn, in his continuing desperation to regain custody or even visitation of his estranged son, filed suit against a laundry list of defendants.  This time in Nicholas County.

Nicholas County Courthouse in Summersville

It all goes back to his attempt to visit his son at a church camp in Nicholas County in 2017. That didn’t work out so well for him and led to him being barred from seeing his son and eventually his arrest and jailing on a contempt of court charge.

It’s a rehash of all of the numerous other losing appeals he has filed since his divorce was final in 2013. And all of the items have been previously decided. Res judicata.
He’s just attempting to re-litigate the whole thing in a new venue.

This guy is living like a vagrant in South Carolina but he has the time to drive to Nicholas County and file this complaint. He’s got a lot of nerve filing this whacko lawsuit when he’s got a petit larceny charge in Dunbar hanging over him.
Oddly enough, the address he gave in the filing is in Dunbar. He hasn’t lived in West Virginia since January.

He names the usual gang of suspects, his second ex-wife, the judge in his never ending family court case, the guardian ad litem assigned to the son, officials of the WV Nazarene Church, the church itself and 100 unnamed individuals who Halburn imagines have wronged him.

And it looks like he’s representing himself again. A fool for a client.
Any Judge worth a grain of salt, will throw this case out on a motion to dismiss.

Lets get right to his complaint.

It’s a pretty bold legal move claiming a sitting family court Judge lied. That should gain major style points with fellow judges.
The judge and the guardian ad litem have immunity so any of that is a moot point.
He was also been ordered by Judge Keller not to discuss the case and not file anything without a lawyer. Not sure how this affects that.

You know it’s Halburn because there are words in all caps and lots of exclamation points scattered throughout the suit. Lawsuits filed in the Microsoft Word default font really mean business!
Plus he calls everyone names. Who does that in a legal filing but him?
How does that help if he ever wants to see his kid again?

Was the guy drunk when he drafted this?

He also must have just learned what the word triplicate means because he used it like 5 times.

Nazarene vendetta
Halburn’s vendetta against the Nazarene Church may have started with his hatred of Charleston pediatrician Joseph Matusic when they attempted to locate a daycare at Teays Valley Nazarene Church. It intensified when his second ex-wife wanted to send her son to the WV Nazarene Camp in Summersville.
Now, in his paranoid mind, church officials have conspired with the judge, his second ex-wife and various other unknown and unnamed individuals in order to deprive him of his parental rights.
Note to fatboy: Crazy people don’t get to keep or visit their kids.

Shiny Object
Then he serves up an affidavit from a guy at the Nicholas Health Department that he undoubtedly went and browbeat the guy into signing.

Halburn hangs his hat on the statement:

“I did not observe Mr. Halburn taking photographs of the building.”

He obviously stopped reading there.
Because the next sentence is the real payoff:

“However, I was not in the company of Mr. Halburn during the ten-minute inspection period, so I can attest to neither Mr. Halburn’s whereabouts or actions during that time.”

It’s like the fat bastard didn’t even read that sentence. Because of course he didn’t.
The last sentence basically negates the whole affidavit.
All Halburn sees is the guy saying he never entered the building. Shiny object.

He also demands that ownership of the Nazarene Camp must permanently be given to him and all expenses, operating costs, staff and manager costs, maintenance and mortgages related to the camp mus be paid by the Nazarene Church.

He’s also asking for the Court to grant him full custody of his son, which is something the Nicholas County Court has zero control over.  Plus , he wants his second ex-wife to pay HIM child support and repay the paltry amount ($177 per month) he has been forced by the court to contribute toward his son’s support.

Halburn demands that all parties must each be ordered to, immediately, pay $1 trillion in compensatory damages, $10 trillion in punitive damages and $1 trillion, trillion in damages for violating his civil rights.

This is not enough for Halburn.

And if that’s not enough, the greedy bastard demands that Judge Keller pay triple that!

He’s also asking for Keller to be permanently imprisoned.
This is comedy of the highest grade. This guy takes the cake, hands down.

Dead mother
Halburn has said and done a lot of crazy things.
But the craziest is his ongoing demand that the court revive the cremated corpse of his mother almost six years after her death.

Halburn’s mom was not available for comment.

And now he’s brought it up again.

“Therefore, this court must order D…, Mike Kelly and Patricia Keller to put Mark and (the son) on a charter jet, immediately, upon receipt of this filing, for a final visit. Whatever extraordinary means that Martin, Kelly and Keller must undertake to make Nancy Halburn available for the final visit are the problems of Martin, Kelly and Keller and must be paid for at their expense!”

Hmmm. Yeah. Not crazy at all. Not. At. All.

The parties who are named have 20 days after service to respond, assuming he’s served anyone with the complaint.  A real lawyer uses a process server, but he doesn’t have the money.  In the past he’s gotten his drunk, child beating buddy or his child molesting pal to do it.

Someone should move for sanctions for even having to respond to his nonsense. In some situations if a party is penniless, or if they frequently file frivolous suits, those sanctions can mean jail time.

It’ll be fun to see what happens, especially what the family court judge (who has 100% immunity) does. This guy’s never going to see his kid again.
Keller could very well throw him back in jail again for filing this without a lawyer. Especially since it’s things that she’s already ruled on.
Our understanding is the clock starts over again on the 18 months visitation ban with his son if he violates her order.

This lawsuit just demonstrates that he is the most deranged he’s ever been.  At this point, it’s literally just him using all caps, calling names, and asking for a million trillion dollars because of a personal vendetta with the Nazarene Church.

Halburn has never been self aware but this time it’s just too much. He’s too blind to realize this is doing to do big time damage to him ever seeing his kid again.

He is his own worst enemy. And he can’t see that.
The weekly counseling he was ordered to get for the Matusic case doesn’t seem to be helping.

PutnamLIES.com will have more on this story as it develops.

Read the whole complaint here:

Halburn The Hypocrite

Not So Funny When The Sandal Is On The Other Foot

Mark Vance Halburn is upset with this picture on PutnamLIES.com’s  Spot The Halburn page.


Halburn and his new “girlfriend” sugar mama, Barbara at the Church @The Depot. Takes a lot of nerve to bring her to church after a weekend of depravity shacked up at his filthy one bedroom apartment. Apparently she’s one of those an assholes who feels the need to use her phone in church too. 5/7/2017

The picture was sent to us by a fellow parishioner of that church who didn’t appreciate Halburn or his shenanigans. It’s been posted since May 2017.

Apparently it’s been eating at Halburn since then and he just had to complain about it today.

Went to church the last 2 Sundays. So nice to not have to worry about someone taking our picture and putting it in a trash blog! What kind of person harasses people in church?

What kind of person?

How about the person who stalked a WV Delegate and followed her to church on Easter Morning and papered the cars with flyers attacking that Delegate?

How about the person who went to the South Charleston Church of the Nazarene  and put flyers on worshipers’ cars attacking the Church’s leadership?

How about the person who went to the Nitro Church of the Nazarene a month after the previous incident and did the same thing there?

What kind of person?
Mark Vance Halburn.
HE’S the kind of person that harasses people in church.

Summer Camp Follies

Halburn’s Harassment Goes Too Far
Loses Visitation With Son

So, what’s Mark Vance Halburn’s vendetta against the Nazarene Church all about?

Here’s a partial explanation.

West Virginia Nazarene Camp in Summersville

Law enforcement sources tell PutnamLIES.com that Halburn’s son attended a church camp in Summersville run by the Nazarene Church last June.
Shortly before the camp got underway, Halburn found out the boy would be attending camp there, and began harassing the camp operators relentlessly.
He started publicly on May 27 by asking on his Facebook page: “FB friends: Would you allow your child to attend a church camp, in less than a month, that was cited for 15 violations, by its county health department, a few days ago?”
Nice overuse of commas, by the way, from a so-called professional writer.

He wasn’t worried about the condition of the camp or concerned for the campers. It was just another one of his attempts to harass, abuse, control, and punish his second ex-wife by preventing his son from attending that camp.

He complained non-stop that the camp had health code violations. He actually went to the camp on June 2 and met with an inspector for the Nicholas County Health Department there.

Were there violations? Yes. Minor violations like peeling paint, burned out light bulbs, and missing mulch on the playground. The inspection was made a month BEFORE THE CAMP EVEN OPENED and all violations were corrected before it opened.
It’s a CHURCH CAMP, not a Hilton resort.

On June 15, a hearing was held in Cabell County and over Halburn’s objections, the mother was granted the right to send the boy to camp.
Once the camp started, the harassment increased.
Halburn inundated the camp director with texts.
The director finally texted Halburn telling him he was not allowed on camp grounds.
But on Wednesday, June 21, Halburn returned to the camp anyway. At that point, HE called the Sheriff’s Department and demanded they help him get to the boy.
When they arrived, they escorted him onto the camp grounds. Because the police brought him onto property, he was not trespassing.
Halburn’s plans were unknown.   What did exactly he want? To see the boy? To talk to him? To kidnap him? It was unclear.

Think of how embarrassing it would be for a 9 year old to have his 400 pound, sweating bully of a dad barge into his camp with a police escort demanding to see you where you’re with other kids. This poor little boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.
Despite his efforts, Halburn was not allowed to see the boy and was was escorted off the property.

Shortly thereafter, a protective order was issued in Cabell County.
The kicker here?

It wasn’t the Nazarene Church that got the order.

The DVP was issued to the mother on behalf of the son.
It states Halburn cannot directly or indirectly contact his second ex-wife or the boy.
It has since been extended.
The Dad of the Year has not seen the boy since late June.

However, Halburn has had it in for the Nazarene Church for much longer. It could be connected to his obsession with Dr. Joe Matusic and his family as well.

Dr. Matusic tells that part of the story:
“My ex-wife’s Winfield Daycare was scheduled to move into the Teays Valley Nazarene Church on Teays Valley road in August of 2013. Mr. Halburn’s child was still enrolled at the daycare. When Mr. Halburn found out where we were moving, he called many of the church board’s members and threatened to sue them if they allowed our daycare to move to their church. The church board then terminated our lease, effectively closing that daycare.”

Halburn even posted video of him going to that church to harass them about it.

Three months later Halburn attempted an explanation for his actions concerning the camp .

“I run a news site. I do kitchen inspections. I did one on a Nazarene camp where they sent my son.
I’ve done it on many camps and 280 locations I’ve done kitchen inspections on. The health department does them. I just report the facts.

The camp had 15 violations which is about 3 times what other camps have had. And I met with a health department administrator by appointment, Next thing I know they’re falsely accusing me of taking pictures of the girl’s dorm.
One, I didn’t take pictures. two, I (unintelligble). and three, there were no girls because the camp wasn’t even in session for two and a half weeks later. But yet they went ahead and lied and said that I did that. We have an affidavit from the health department administrator saying I didn’t take pictures. None of this matters to the court. All they say is well you can’t see your son.”

Except Halburn DID take pictures at the Camp on his June 2 visit.

One of the pictures of the camp Halburn claims he didn’t take.

Oddly enough, Halburn NEVER previously reported about any camp inspections until AFTER his vendetta against the Nazarene Camp began.

What kind of asshole harasses a church and its leadership ?
It’s not their fault this godless heathen’s obsession with his blog, his vendettas against virtually everyone, and his abuse of his second ex-wife destroyed his marriage.
It’s not their fault that he had almost no visitation and now has NO visitation.
That’s ALL on him and his aberrant behavior.

It’s your fault Halburn. All of it.
You walked away from your family through your actions and bad decisions.
How’s that crusading journalist bullshit working out for you now?

He’s At It Again

Area Man Tries for Third Consecutive Restraining Order

Last Sunday, Mark Halburn struck again.
This time it was at the Nitro Church of the Nazarene.nitro naz

He left the same self serving flyers on peoples’ cars once again.

nazarene flyer 8-13-17

He’s so transparent.
You can tell it’s him by his insistence upon using both that God-awful Verdana font and excessive exclamation points.
And for the love of all that’s holy, stop calling yourself a “single father,” Fatsack.

Halburn has been harassing the church nonstop since he was removed from their church camp in Summersville earlier this summer. It appears he was upset about health code violations that occurred prior to the camp’s opening and went there demanding access and was then removed.

After that, he started to use fake names to harass them via one of his favorite methods, Topix.

7-2-17 camp

Then, several weeks later in another post,  he claims he filed some sort of a claim against the church, obviously in an attempt to shake them down.

8-5-17 nazarene claim

He follows it the next day with this:

8-6-17 naz claim 2

And then, a few days later, he drops this one:

8-9-17 nazarene 2

PutnamLIES.com urges the leadership of the Church to get a restraining order against Halburn immediately, covering ALL Nazarene churches for the protection of their pastors, worshipers and property.

As his mental evaluation stated:
“Mr. Halburn’s psychological profile and behavior would suggest that he has propensity for aggressive behavior. Given his degree of agitation and volatility, any threats made by Mr. Halburn should be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately.”

Unhappy Camper

Now it seems that Mark Vance Halburn has a vendetta against the Nazarene Church. Why?
Because a pastor at a church camp dared to speak the truth to the blobby blogger. The pastor told Halburn that one person was responsible for his divorce. Mark Vance Halburn.

And also because he’s nuts.

PutnamLIES.com’s religion reporter took this picture of  a flyer he left on  windshields last Sunday at the 1st Church of the Nazarene in South Charleston.

Seriously, what kind of asshole leaves flyers on worshiper’s cars while they’re in church?

I’m sure they’re deeply sorry for this happening to the people who came to services on Sunday, but, unfortunately, they are currently the target of a mentally unstable man with a burning vendetta, and he will stop at nothing — including disrespecting their sacred hour of worship — to smear their church and its leadership.
If they’re smart, they will get a restraining order against him.

This is not the first time he’s done this either. On Easter Sunday in 2014 he drove to Barboursville and left flyers on cars at WV Delegate Kelli Sobonya’s church denouncing her for not introducing bills for his nonsensical 27 item agenda.